Tuesday 6 September 2011

Women - it's time for you to take charge

So what will i blog about? Blokes mainly, or certainly the astonishing lack of diversity in any areas that shape our world. How can we let men still run almost everything of consequence when they so clearly don't know what they are doing? Why do we promote and extend male influence everywhere, and continue to make it difficult for women in the corporate and political worlds. From the banking crisis (Greenspan, Bernanke, Bush, Goodwin, Diamond), to the Arab Spring (Mubarak, Assad, Ben Ali, Gaddafi) to the carnage of Iraq and Afghanistan (Bush, Blair), it's blokes who are conducting the confusion and bloodshed. Why has nobody noticed this before? If all these leaders were black, or if everyone of them was Scottish, do you not think someone would have noticed a common theme amongst the mayhem? But because they are men we just assume this is the norm and we should carry on and put the next one in charge.

I can't address the entire globe, or even all areas of male dominance, so I will keep my views confined to that of the corporate and political world in the UK. The astonishing absence of women in UK boardrooms, the continued dominance of men in Westminster, and the paucity of meaningful policies in place to make the huge cultural change required if any noticeable improvements are to be achieved.

Boardroom quotas, longer maternity leave, flexible working have all failed to make any meaningful difference. Let's see if I can come up with any better ideas to try and make the world a more balanced and better place.

We need this change to happen - we simply can't go on without more equality in government, in the corporate world, and in the home.

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